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The daily maintenance of automatic terminal is very important
Release:2018-04-19Browse 681 

Classification of terminal machine according to its function: pneumatic terminal machine, terminal machines, ultra-quiet terminal machine, universal terminal machine, terminal PIN cutting machine, straight strip with a terminal machine, semi-automatic ultra-quiet terminal machine, cutting line peeling machine, terminal machine, peeling machine: terminal machine, series motor stator terminal machine, computer automatic peeling dozen end machine, PIN machine terminal machine, gold wire terminal machine, etc.

Daily maintenance of automatic terminal machine is very important, we can not to work for mechanical work, either with or machines have a certain load range, once beyond, over time can cause all sorts of problems, cut off machine service life.

The daily maintenance of automatic terminal machine has been completed, which can extend its service life and improve the working efficiency. Let xiangyan mechanical mould introduce the daily maintenance and maintenance of automatic terminal machine.

1. Mold mounting clamping must be accurate and firm. Mold clearance is reasonable, often keep sharp tool edge.

2. It is forbidden to overwork the machine. The punching pressure of the workpiece being processed shall not exceed the limit range.

3. Before starting the motor, the clutch must be disengaged and the flywheel should be in an idle position.

4. The lubrication points of the machine, as well as the friction parts, shall be lubricated frequently, no less than 2 times per shift.

5. Regularly check whether all parts of the machine are working normally, and whether all connectors and fasteners are loose. If loose, tighten it in time. If organic parts are found to be worn, they must be replaced promptly.

6. The machines and electrical equipment must be kept clean, dry and free of leakage. In work, if the fault and abnormal phenomenon is found, must immediately stop the machine for inspection and repair.

Link: 常州360推廣
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