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What is the governing circuit principle of semi-automatic winding machine
Release:2018-04-19Browse 1948 

Some people are very strange, why should understand the principle of the speed control circuit of the semi-automatic winding machine, which is directly related to the speed of winding machine

Degree, this design is good, winding speed is fast.

The winding speed of winding machine is regulated by small dc servo motor thyristor stepless speed control system. Dc motor stepless

There are many schemes for the speed system. First, we learn about the speed control scheme of SCR. The schematic diagram of the system is shown as follows. The system is mainly composed of winding motors,

The single-phase bridge thyristor rectifier main circuit, thyristor synchronous oscillation trigger control circuit and speed regulation stability integrated circuit are composed of several parts.

The content and operating principles of each branch are described below

1. Semi-automatic winding machine motor

The control object of the speed control system is dc servo motor, it is the drag motor of the automatic winding machine, also known as the floor wire motor, its main technology

Can be as follows:

Excitation voltage: 220 v

Motor control voltage: 220 v

Rated current: 0.9 ampere

Rated speed: 2000 RPM,

Output power: 100 watts _

The regulating performance of the motor is shown in the figure below, that is, under a certain load (torque M is constant), its speed increases with the increase of armature control voltage. Using this feature can regulate the armature voltage control, to achieve the purpose of regulating winding machine speed, in addition, if the motor in operation, suddenly the armature winding through certain resistance short-circuit, there were a lot of braking torque, applied to the motor rotor, immediately shut down.

This phenomenon is called that the motor is in the state of energy - consuming braking of the generator. The speed regulation and stop of winding machine is realized by the above control and braking characteristics of motor.

2. Principle of single-phase bridge SCR main circuit

See from above, the main loop of the single-phase rest type SCR is composed of 220 v alternating current directly through the silicon rectifier single-phase rest type full-wave rectifier circuit the whole out of voltage on both ends of the thyristor DT plus, and silicon controlled rectifier output voltage to control winding machine of DT motor armature winding. When the thyristor DT control electrode is applied with different phase trigger pulses, the thyristor will be conductive at different times and the output voltage value will be changed to achieve the purpose of motor speed regulation. The armature winding of DT thyristor is an inductive load.

3. Principle of synchronous oscillating phase-shifting trigger control circuit

Link: 常州360推廣
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